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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Stress Management and Resiliency

Below is a link to one of the videos we looked at in the Grade 9 Guidance presentations this week. It is an excellent illustration of the stress response in the body and how our bodies are biologically wired to respond to stressful situations.

(click on play 'Fight or Flight' movie and it will open in a pop up window)

We also looked at the warning signs of stress and you were given some resources and ideas to help manage stress. The links on the right hand side of this blog can be very useful resources in this regard.

Finally we talked about resiliency, or your ability to bounce back from life's ups and downs. We discussed some real-life examples of resilient people like Nelson Mandela and Oprah Winfrey. We also discussed ways to increase your resiliency including: cultivating meaningful relationships with your family and friends, looking at other people's perspectives, reading, and discovering activities where you can express yourself and find meaning.

Remember, stress is temporary and help is available. Talk to a trusted adult, family member, counsellor, or teacher if you are feeling stressed--we are here to help!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Scholarship and Educational Opportunities

Grade 9's

The TREK Program at Prince of Wales is accepting applications for next year. This is an exciting opportunity open to all grade 9 students. Application information is posted outside my office door or visit for more information.

Grade 9's, 10's and everyone else

The Shad Valley Program is an exciting opportunity for students to experience life in residence at a top Canadian university. It broadens your perspective, introduces you to exciting new people, and gives you an edge on scholarships and bursaries. Visit for more information, the deadline for applicants is coming soon. There is also info outside my door.

Grade 9's/ Grade 10's

The Kids Help Line is looking for students to become ambassadors for their program. Duties include: raising awareness, volunteering at fundraising events, and event planning. This is excellent leadership and public relations experience, come and see me for an application if you're interested.

'Twilight' may skew idea of relationships

Bella and Edward, is it a healthy relationship? ...or is he a stalker. This is an interesting article from the Vancouver Sun. Some experts find Edward's behaviour disturbing. What do you think?