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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November Wrap up

Well the month of November is coming to an end.

This month at school we ackowledged the sacrifices of Canada's veterans through a beautiful Rememberance Day assembly.

Also, for CBC's Newsday, one of our students produced a respectful piece on how Tupper was impacted by the death of Jomar Lanot --- and how the school has strived to honour
his memory. You can view her excellent piece at this link

Finally, tomorrow, December 1st, is World AIDS Day. HIV/ AIDS currently impacts the lives of almost 34 million people worldwide. There are many myths and misconceptions about the disease.

There are several ways that you can raise awareness of this incurable disease.
  • You can visit good resources for HIV/ AIDS education like Youthco and educate yourself
  • You can wear red tomorrow or a red ribbon to honour the lives of people impacted by HIV/AIDS
  • Come down to the foyer and get more information on the myths and fact of HIV/AIDS
Upcoming events before winter break:

  • December 10th, Term One report cards are sent home
  • December 14th, Parent Teacher Interviews
  • December 16th, Grade 8 Link Crew Skate
  • December 16th, The Snow Ball, our first dance of the year
  • December 17th, SChool closes for Winter Break

Thursday, October 21, 2010

New website for Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual and Transgendered Youth: It gets better!

In September of 2010, 9 U.S. teens killed themselves over a span of 22 days. They were victims of homophobia and anti-gay bullying:

• Justin Aaberg (15) July 9, 2010, Minnesota
• Billy Lucas (15) September 9, 2010. Indiana
• Cody J. Barker (17) September 13, 2010. Wisconsin
• Seth Walsh (13) September 19, 2010. California
• Tyler Clementi (18) September 22, 2010. New Jersey
• Asher Brown (13) September 23, 2010. Texas
• Harrison Chase Brown (15) September, 25 2010. Colorado
• Raymond Chase (19) September 29, 2010. Rhode Island
• Felix Sacco (17) September 29, 2010. Massachusetts
• Caleb Nolt (14) September 30, 2010. Indiana

On October 20th, many Tupper students wore purple in honour of these victims and to show their respect for diversity.

Here's a link to Dan Savage's It Gets Better Project. Please check out this youtube channel where you can find videos that remind G/L/B/T youth that it really does get better...even when it feels like it never will.

What can you do to stop homophobic bullying?

  • Confront homophobic bullying, when it is safe to do so, every time you see or hear it. Recognize that your silence indicates your support for the bully’s behaviour. Communicate that homophobic bullying is wrong and not acceptable.
  • Educate yourself and others regarding the negative consequences that homophobic bullying has on all children and youth.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

School's out for the Summer!

I hope each of you has a safe and relaxing summer vacation!

I will be back in the office to assist students with schedules on August 31st and September 1st. Please email me or call the school on August 30th if you'd like an appointment with me on those days.

If you would like to request a timetable change please follow these steps:
a) fill out the timetable change form posted on my door, it must be signed by your parents
b) attend all of the classes on your schedule
c) do not come to the Counselling Suite during class time unless your schedule is incomplete--and then only during the block that you are missing
d) check the bulletin board outside my office for updates on your course change request--not all course changes will be possible (you will get a phone call at home if I am able to accommodate your request)

***Please note that I will not be doing any timetable changes on the first day of school

  • If you missed your exam you will have to register for the re-write session in August. You can visit the Summer School office at the VSB this week and next to do that, bring your report card and your Go-card.

  • Finally, as noted on your final report cards, summer school remedial is advised for students who failed a class or are not sure if they passed a provincially examinable course. Below is the link to the summer school office, you will need your PEN number to register

See you in September!

Ms. H

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Provincial Exams

Well, we are almost at the end of the school year. On the road to a high school diploma in BC, you must write 5 mandatory provincial exams. This week and next I will be visiting your Planning classes to discuss your Grade 10 provincial exams in more detail. Here are some tips to remember though.

  • Show up late for your exam
  • Cram right before your exam
  • Pull an 'all-nighter' studying for your exam
  • Hang around with people who stress you out on the exam day--no drama!!
  • Think of your exam in a negative way, as in "This exam is stupid, I'm going to fail!"
  • Miss breakfast, especially before you write an exam--your brain needs food!!!

  • Study at least a week before your exam if possible.
  • Visit the 'Provincial Exams' link on the side of this page, sign up on the Student Secure Web. You will need your Personal Education Number [PEN], it is on your final report card.
  • Look at previous exams, you can download them on the Provincial exam website.
  • Think of your exam in a positive way--as in, "I only have one more exam after this and then I have a whole summer ahead of me!"
  • Arrive at least 10 minutes early for your exam.
  • Flash cards!
  • Relax right before the exam, clear your mind.
  • Bring 2 pencils, 2 pens, an eraser and a calculator.
  • Eat a healthy meal before the exam.
  • Go to the bathroom before the exam.
  • Breathe deeply, be in the present moment.
  • When you first open the exam booklet, flip through it so you can get an idea of what to expect during the next couple hours.
  • Skip questions that you're stuck on, but do go back to them if there's time.
  • Use all the time given to you. If you're done, revisit some of the tougher questions, and check your work.
Finally, if you are being recommended for summer school, I strongly encourage you to enrol as soon as possible. You can see what spaces are left at

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Spring is Here!

Well hard to believe that Spring Break is already here! By now, all Grade 9's and 10's have selected courses for next year and I am unable to make any changes to course requests until May. A course request confirmation letter will be sent home for Parent/ guardian consent in late spring.

Report cards will be coming home with students on March 26th. Report cards can be discussed directly with teachers on Parent/ Teacher Night, April 6th.

Also, a note to Grade 10's, your Math, English and Science teachers may have recommended you for modified courses next year. If you have been recommended, your teachers have sent you home with letters that require your parent's consent or refusal. Parent/teacher night on April 6th is an opportunity to discuss these recommendations with myself or the teachers directly.

School is back in session on March 15th, have a restful break!

Friday, February 19, 2010

A reminder to all students that Course Planning Night for Parents and Guardians is next Wednesday, February 24th from 6:30-8:00 pm.

The deadline for Grade 9 course selections is February 25.

The deadline for Grade 10 course selections is March 2

This week, Grade 9's, watched the PBS documentary, Growing up Online-a compelling look at the positive and negative aspects of social networking and our digital culture. Here's a link to the documentary which can be watched online.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Course Planning 2010/2011

Course Planning for Grade 10's is underway. During my Grade 10 DAZE presentation you were given lots of important information and resources so that you can make informed choices. Key points from Tuesday's presentation:

  • The courses you choose in Grade 11 lead you to your future.
  • Ms. Mavety discussed the various career training opportunities that are available to Tupper students including: work experience, ACE-IT programs, Tupper Tech, and Secondary School Apprenticeship.
  • Mr. Lam discussed post-secondary educational options and some of their admission requirements. He is available in The Career Centre, where you can find university and college catalogues and info.
  • Course Planning Night for parents will be held February 24 6:30-8---all parents are encouraged to attend, translation in Tagalog, Vietnamese and Chinese will be available.
  • I am available for individual advising after school. There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board (outside my office)
  • Do not hand your course sheets in yet! I will be coming to your Planning classes at the end of February and we will be entering them into the computer together.