There have been lots of info sessions and opportunities to explore post-secondary options at Tupper. Many students are taking advantage of these opportunities--those of you who haven't, should start exploring post-secondary NOW.
Despite what you may think, not everyone has their lives figured out at age 17--however, it is good to have a general plan of where you want to go after Tupper. Do you want to work? Do you want to go to university? Do you want a smaller college setting and then maybe transfer to university? Do you want to go for a trade or get a career certification. There are many options for young people in BC and you can change your mind. Try to get a general sense of what you want to do-- and maybe that means figuring out what you DON'T want to do as a starting point.
We are now in the critical point of the academic year. Term two is very important. If your goal is to get into a competitive program that looks at grades you need to focus. It can certainly be overwhelming with all these things that you have to do, but many students need to go from worriers to being warriors and just do it! I've been there many times, where I have to make short term sacrifices to meet my long term goals. You know that there's a large team of people who can support you if you are feeling like things are getting tough though or you need more help
Upcoming Events:
Feb 15-- UVIC Advising Session (lunch Rm 418)
Feb 18-- SFU Supertour
Feb 22--Grad Transitions Interviews
FEb 23--Capilano U Advising Session (lunch Rm 418)
Feb 28- Deadline for SFU Applications
Feb 28-- Deadline for SFU and UBC scholarship and awards applications
Everybody should have already completed their PSI selections, if you were away or unable to do this when I visited your English classes in December, it is your responsibility to get caught up. The link to the right will help you with this.
Reminder that all VLN classes need to be 50% completed by April 1 if you want to use them for post-secondary applications.
If you are writing the LPI exam, you can now register. Deadline to register is April 10. visit to sign up.
Remember to check the Grad Calendar in the Counselling Suite, Career Centre Scholarship Binder, and Tupper 2012 (Facebook) regularly. We strive to get this info to you, but you must take ownership of your post-secondary planning.
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